Monday, December 11, 2006

Let There Be God

1:1 - In the beginning the Big Bang created the heavens and the earth.
1:2 - And the earth was hot, and void, and darkness was over the surface of the deep. Then Cyanobacteria began moving over the surface of the waters.
1:3 - Then 3.5 billion years later, man said: "Let there be God", and there was God.....


Anonymous said...

Ballah jad?

Ne7na mesh 5al9een men Marji, ejeetna enta? :P

Devil's Mind said...

1:3 - Then 3.5 billion years later, man said: "Let there be God", and there was God..... - I am not sure of the accuracy of this claim! So if man says something, it becomes true?!

Q said...

Well, in some cases it does, as in the case of the assumption of Mary....If man says something that fulfills the need of others, with enough time, it becomes "truth"...

Anonymous said...

"What? Is man merely a mistake of God's? Or God merely a mistake of man's?"

Twilight of the Idols
Maxims and Arrows #7

Tala said...

Hey Q

Its really great that you started a blog of yours. im sure it will be outstanding.

Best Wishes my Friend =D