Tuesday, February 27, 2007


I was reading a post on The Dilbert Blog that made me think of how humans see themselves. Why do most people get offended when compared to animals? To me, the logical reason would be that comparing one to an animal insults that person's intelligence. But the fact remains that humans and animals are made of the same building blocks, both function in the same way, and both survived evolution. They can be looked at as two solutions to an equation, one being more complex than the other.

A dear friend once told me: "Most humans are similar in their uniqueness". I completely agree with that point. Almost every person would like to think of himself/herself as being special, unique, unpredictable, and simply different. The truth, sadly, is that this is wrong. I think our need to feel unique and special is, among other factors, what led to inventing the concepts of the spirit or the soul, intelligent design, god, religion, and many other concepts that if inspected by, for example, another species that's as intelligent as us but doesn't suffer the specialness complex would be understandably seen as nothing but delusions.

According to this article, falling in love activates the exact same system as taking cocaine. I will discuss this matter in further detail in a separate post, but isn't this enough proof of how unreliable our emotions are?


Tala said...

i disagree with you here, we are different in every way. and every human is a special case and i do strongly believe that we are unique.

and up to this point, i can't see how to quantify emotions and feeling and phyche logically.

Q said...

Even though it's very hard to find two humans with exactly matching conditions, I don't think humans are that different. If they were, psychologists would be out of business. The point is that even though there are almost infinitely many conditions in which one could be, humans are inherently limited systems, hence the output is limited, and in most cases predictable.